So I started looking at JavaScript, thinking it would be fun and be able to do a lot of cool stuff. But I find it out is not so much like HTML or CSS, but more like "real" computer programming languages like C++ or Java, with functions, arrays, switches, and similar things that I learned in C++. So...this might be a bit more complicated than I originally anticipated. No matter.
I'll get through this.
It's easier than C++ at least. XD
It's probably helpful that the tutorials are really good and I actually understand what I'm doing.
I haven't figured out exactly how it interacts with HTML so far. But HTML buttons can control it. Like this.
Click the button to display a confirm box.
See? Anyway, yeah. It's fun. It seems like I'm well on my way to creating a good website. It will be great if I eventually learn PHP and mySQL. Beyond that, those are all the languages I really need to know for a good web page!
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