Thursday, April 4, 2013


I think I was pretty well prepared for this presentation. I had my notecards ready and my PowerPoint looked good, but wasn't too cluttered. I tried to make sure it didn't distract from the actual content and what I was saying. I chose a simple theme and didn't go overboard like the colors and text like I did for the brain project presentation. I liked the content I wrote for my TED talk. I think everyone could understand it and I was speaking clearly enough. I was fairly relaxed, and I felt like I was ready.

I probably should have rehearsed more, because I felt a little too dependent on the notecards. I could have memorized portions so I didn't have to look down so often. Also, the PowerPoint was a bit out of sync with what I was saying at some points. I think that maybe adding all those pictures of what the site has been may have been unnecessary, and I could have just included where I started and where I ended.

I think I talked sufficiently about the things that went well, and the obstacles I faced along the way. I could have talked more about my overall message, the fact that failure makes people more determined to succeed, rather than talk about the details of the actual project.

When I rehearsed, I was within the time limit perfectly, which is good. I may have sped up when I gave the actual talk, or maybe the PowerPoint added time.


Peace out. For the last time.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I was searching on the Internet, and I found a site called Codecademy that teaches all kinds of coding, like HTML, CSS, and Python, and it tells ANYTHING you need to know.

It's amazing.

I've started, and I already know what I'm doing.

Too bad I discovered it so late, I won't really be able to use it.

It's fun, too.

Yes, this will be very useful.

Peace out.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Still chugging along...

Okay, so I haven't really done much coding over spring break, even though I probably should have. It's really going well despite that, I only have to finish up a bit of stylizing, maybe add a couple more cool elements, and add more content. I think it's coming along great, and I'll be posting the promised screen shot soon. You'll love it, I'm sure of it. The homepage looks a lot better than it did the last time I posted a screenshot. CSS is brilliance, and it's looking better every line of code I add. I have the files saved on my personal computer and I'm using my school computer for this post.

And I found out that I can't install NetBeans on the school computers. It wants an administrator password. So much for that idea. Luckily, I pasted the content from all the files onto Google Docs and I can edit it there and later put it back into NetBeans.

I've also been looking for new tutorials, and I found one here. I haven't had much opportunity to look at everything on the site, but it sounds like it'll be useful and accurate. The first tutorial site had good information, but it was still a little confusing at times. Hopefully this will help me understand anything that didn't originally make sense.

I'm working on the bios. Really. I am. I would post story previews, but I'm doing a massive rewrite for Camp NaNoWriMo April. So that'll have to wait.

I was going to post it onto a domain, but that didn't work out. My parents lost the username and password for it. Anyways, it still works with just the files. I can still see how it looks and the changes I've made every time I refresh. I can also link the pages to each other because HTML allows you to link files and not just webpages, which is good. It's also how I embedded the music in the home page. However, I don't think you can link images this way.

Peace out.