Monday, April 1, 2013

Still chugging along...

Okay, so I haven't really done much coding over spring break, even though I probably should have. It's really going well despite that, I only have to finish up a bit of stylizing, maybe add a couple more cool elements, and add more content. I think it's coming along great, and I'll be posting the promised screen shot soon. You'll love it, I'm sure of it. The homepage looks a lot better than it did the last time I posted a screenshot. CSS is brilliance, and it's looking better every line of code I add. I have the files saved on my personal computer and I'm using my school computer for this post.

And I found out that I can't install NetBeans on the school computers. It wants an administrator password. So much for that idea. Luckily, I pasted the content from all the files onto Google Docs and I can edit it there and later put it back into NetBeans.

I've also been looking for new tutorials, and I found one here. I haven't had much opportunity to look at everything on the site, but it sounds like it'll be useful and accurate. The first tutorial site had good information, but it was still a little confusing at times. Hopefully this will help me understand anything that didn't originally make sense.

I'm working on the bios. Really. I am. I would post story previews, but I'm doing a massive rewrite for Camp NaNoWriMo April. So that'll have to wait.

I was going to post it onto a domain, but that didn't work out. My parents lost the username and password for it. Anyways, it still works with just the files. I can still see how it looks and the changes I've made every time I refresh. I can also link the pages to each other because HTML allows you to link files and not just webpages, which is good. It's also how I embedded the music in the home page. However, I don't think you can link images this way.

Peace out.


  1. Hey Grace. Before I start, I was wondering if you could elaborate on the name you have as your identity on here? Anyway, I really like your blog theme and project overall. Coding has always intrigued me and so I really love ooking at everyone's different projects. Yours especially because I hear you have written a book as well, which was my project.

  2. Quick side note: isn't NaNoWriMo in November, and ONLY in November? Isn't that the whole point? Anyway, I'm glad that you're happy with what you have achieved, even if there have been setbacks. Are you going to continue to code once the project is over?
