Friday, March 29, 2013


Good news #1:

I GOT THE JAVASCRIPT FILE TO WORK. I don't know what is it, maybe it's the new program I'm using, or maybe I just finally figured out how to do it right, but it works now. The HTML is a lot less cluttered now. And this is a good thing, because now it can be easier to read and follow. Unfortunately, I haven't actually been able to learn much JavaScript yet.

Good news #2:

I found a new program to use. probably got that idea from the last piece of good news. It's called Netbeans, it's free, and it has HTML5 and CSS3. It works beautifully. I've used it on my personal computer. However, I'm not sure I can download it on the school computer. Even if I could, I'm pretty sure the Administrators wouldn't like that. It's quite easy to use and it even catches all your errors and warns you.

Good news #3:

I've decided what to do with this site. I'll make it a fansite for my novel series. I know that sounds really lame, but I think it's a good idea. I also think maybe it's a good idea to have multiple users be able to log in and out.

Good news #4:

I created the new stylized background table quite easily, and I think it makes the page look very nice! It was easy to center, the navigation bar was centered along with the table, and rounding the corners was quite easy with the new program. CSS3 has a lot of nice new stuff that makes it even easier to style! I would post a pic, but sadly I'n on my iPod and can't do that. I'll do it as soon as I get computer access though.

Bad news #1:

I haven't written the bios or posted the story previews yet. But I promise I'll get there! That's the last step.

Peace out.

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