Tuesday, March 12, 2013

JavaScript and crud like that...

Okay. So I've finished learning some stuff about CSS, which really is pretty cool and great for stylizing pages. It was pretty easy to learn, except it took me a while to figure out how to center the navigation bar. *Whistles nonchalantly* That was really the thing I had trouble with. This page taught me how to do that. http://csswizardry.com/2011/01/create-a-centred-horizontal-navigation/

My homepage looks like this so far.

I've begun work on the other pages, especially the about page and the story previews page. The reason for the delay on the forum page is explained below.

And that means HTML and CSS are done, which brings me to JavaScript, which can create dynamic elements. CSS and HTML make a nice looking page, but they are static. They don't change. Looking over JavaScript, I've come across elements that can display the date, make pop-up alerts, and some other cool stuff as well.

The language itself seems a bit confusing, but the tutorials I've found simplify it and tell you exactly how everything works and what each statement does.

They taught me all of the HTML tags I know, which allowed me to create all the text and the table and such. I also learned the CSS required to add the background image, color the text easily, and style the navigation bar properly.

I think I will find a book that will give me some more detail on these topics. Having more help can't hurt, right?

I've been wanting to create a forum, because I've had wonderful experiences on the forums of my favorite writing website, Figment, and I thought I wanted to create my own. However, I found out that requires knowledge of PHP and mySQL, which I wasn't planning to learn. That was a disappointment, but there is still much I can do!

I've learned that creating a website is nowhere near as easy as I thought it would be. It requires lots of lines of code and learning different statements and tags and functions and it can get confusing. I've taken a real interest in this and I love working on it! I've gotten a lot accomplished since I started.

Peace out.

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